
A Contra Costa Midrasha Program
For Leaders In The Making
The question is simple: What issues do you care about? And more importantly, are you prepared to advocate for them and make a change?
For most teens, the answer to this is "no". That's where Impact Builder comes in: An opportunity for 8th-12th graders to gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to advocate for issues they care about.
But the process doesn't stop there: With your new set of change-making skills, you'll put them into action by going out into the community and take steps to make a true difference.

Step 1:
Identify The Cause
The three social issues teens can choose from are Poverty, Environment, or Elder Communities. Each has a unique curriculum designed to deepen teens' knowledge of these issues and set them up to make a difference.

Step 2:
Gain Advocacy & Service Skills
With your fellow Impact Builders and the program facilitators, teens will learn how to talk about specific causes and take concrete action to make difference.

Step 3:
Take Action In The Community
Impact Builders don't just learn; they do. Get ready to connect with real organizations in the area and partner with them to make a bigger difference together.

"Impact Builder allowed me to advocate for issues I care deeply for, but also taught me such important skills. From public speaking to how to do proper research, these skills helped me in my academic career. As far as the advocating went, it was extremely changing. I had always had a passion for mental health, but being able to do something for it was so rewarding. I definitely loved the program, and I recommend it to anyone looking for an amazing experience, that also looks amazing on college apps!"

1 Meeting Per Month
In person meetings typically on Sundays. See schedule below.
For 8th-12th Graders
So that everyone has the opportunity to gain foundational skills to become lifelong leaders

Program Cost
The program costs $360. Please apply regardless of your financial situation. Scholarships are available.
The Builder Track is for participants who are ready to learn and grow as community members via service and advocacy (this is the "normal" track)

The Leader Track is for older teens who have gone through other Midrasha specialty programs and would like to take on a leadership/facilitator role in the program.
Who are we?
Impact Builder is a teen advocacy, service, fundraising and education program that engages in Tikkun Olam (repair the world) and Tzedakah (Justice through acts of giving) through direction action and learning Jewish ethics. We are open to teens in grades 8-12. We focus on our Jewish heritage to inform our work but teens participating in the program can be of any religion.
What do we do?
The teens participating in this program decide . The people we serve are selected by our teen participants in a consensus process. Will we be serving with direct hands-on action, or fundraising and advocacy? Are we building homes or serving dinner to those in need of community support? Educators facilitate the discussion but the decision is ultimately left to the teens.
What will we be learning?
This is a program based on the Maimonides Principles of Tzedakah (Righteousness) and the Jewish Values of Tikkun O’lam (repairing the world). Students will learn to view societal problems as issues of community solidarity and how to effect change in the areas they feel called to remedy. Teens will also learn skills to fundraise, program manage, and advocate for causes and communities they believe in. Depending on the program teens pick there may also be some carpentry skills, cooking skills, gardening skills or others- who knows!
What have you done?
In 2023-24, we focussed our efforts with Tiny Village Spirit and their intentional housing community in Richmond, and revisited the Wood Street community. In 2022-23, we partnered with the Wood Street community and Trinity Center. We made dinners and helped repair houses. Both years our teens gained an awareness of the situation our less shelter secure community members face on a day-to-day basis. We hope to continue our work with TVS and Wood Street for years to come, but this decision is ultimately up to our teen participants. Maybe you’ll help us decide this coming year?
How much does it cost?
We ask for a $360 program fee, but no one is turned away for lack of funds: scholarships, payment plans and financial assistance is available.
What’s the time commitment?
We have a schedule of ten full days (mostly on Sunday afternoons) for the upcoming year. We ask participants to attend 8 of 10 sessions to get full credit for completing the program.
2024-25 Calendar:
5/17/25 Graduation and Lag BaOmber BBQ

Have questions about the program? Contact Devra Aarons at devra.aarons@ccmidrasha.com to learn more!